
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Is Parenthood Similar to a Disability?

Since having my daughter seven months ago, I've frequently wondered if being a parent isn't some form of disability.

As a parent, it takes at least twice as long to get ready for something (i.e. travelling, grocery shopping, brushing your teeth!) as it did when I was single. I have since warned my friends that my spontaneity is no longer thriving and I require at least a two hour notice before venturing out into the real world.

Then there's a little disorder I like to call "Mom-nesia." I once heard the term on a news segment and recognized it as something I could definitely sympathize with. Momnesia can be blamed for misplaced items; trips into the next room that end in you scratching your head, unable to remember why you ventured out of the prior space; making it all the way to the mall or store and realizing your wallet was sitting on the kitchen table; only bringing one diaper and no wipes on a three day trip to Tahoe; and any other memory loss that you wouldn't expect out of your average quarter-lifer!

While I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything in the world, I do miss my sanity at times.