
Monday, September 29, 2008

What's the deal?

I'm getting a little bit irritated with this whole election business. Why is it that people keep saying Sarah Palin won't be able to handle herself with Vladamir Putin? Seriously? we're going to downplay the VICE Presidential candidate for not being able to "go toe-to-toe" with a Russian Prime Minister? It's not like she's going to be boxing him for the title of biggest world power or something. And the fact that she's the VICE Presidential candidate hasn't even been taken into consideration? Wow, we've already theoretically killed off John McCain and put Palin in the presidential slot and now she's battling Putin for the World Title, huh? Yowzah! Looks like we're in trouble.
I personally like Sarah Palin because I think she is a great speaker. Her very first speech was performed from memory, or at least appeared to be, while McCain kept looking at his notes before introducing her. Since the press keeps battling Palin and Obama anyway, lets make her the candidate instead of McCain. Sounds great - a Palin/McCain ticket!