Great, Lucy, I'm glad that in your little bubble of a world you can do crunches for 5 minutes a day and have your very own portable washboard for your laundry. Meanwhile back in the real world of obese and morbidly obese Americans, some of us need a little more work than five measly minutes a day. Not only will this not work for us, but with this kind of false encouragement, our kind will only get bigger and bigger. "But, Luce, I did my five minutes!" Give me a break. Unless we eat better - as in not shovelling loads of sodium and sugar infused crap into our mouths - we will never be able to SEE the abs under the flabs!
Perhaps there should have been a disclaimer with the article: Lard-o's need not waste your five minutes. Just try to cut up an apple and eat some almonds instead. That will do you much better than a bicycle crunch.
Don't get me wrong, in Basic Training I loved the bicycle crunch. I just think it's very unrealistic to believe that one move for five minutes a day will change your entire life. You need to add some cardio in there and lift weights, too. If you really want to see results, cut out refined sugar, soda, sodium, and anything with ingredients you can't pronounce. These are not good for you and are contributing to the Obesity Epidemic plaguing our nation.

Need more help? Read "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno, a fitness competitor from Canada. It's not one of these fad diets that everyone is so crazy about. It's actually a lifestyle change. If you follow the examples she outlines for you, you will see results. I did before I got pregnant. It takes a little while to take yourself off the sugary crap that we all love, but it is so worth it! You just need motivation... which I am lacking a bit right now.
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